At LogicBarn, the recent achievement of Cyber Essentials Plus certification marks a significant milestone in our commitment to cybersecurity. This certification, overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre in partnership with IASME, serves as a testament to our dedication to safeguarding our systems and data against common cyber threats.
A High Note to End the Year
Obtaining the Cyber Essentials Plus certificate just before the holiday season feels like ending the year on a high note. This accomplishment is not only a source of pride for our team but also a crucial assurance for both existing and future customers that we are prioritizing cybersecurity in our operations.
Lessons Learned: Tips for Small Businesses
As we reflect on the journey towards Cyber Essentials Plus certification, we’d like to share some valuable insights that may aid fellow small businesses currently undergoing the process or contemplating it in the future.
1. Allow Plenty of Time
Coordinating the technical assessment, especially during holiday seasons, can be challenging. We recommend starting the certification process early to avoid unnecessary pressure. We extend our gratitude to Palisade for their swift assistance and valuable advice during this critical phase.
Tip: Plan to renew the certification well in advance to ensure a smoother process.
2. Keep Information Up-to-Date
The time gap between the initial self-assessment and the technical test can lead to changes in your system. Ensure that your information is up-to-date and provide the assessment company with accurate details of any modifications since the self-assessment.
Tip: Review and enhance your information asset register for efficient updates.
3. Foster Strong Communication Across the Team
Communication is key. The success of our certification process was greatly attributed to the collaborative effort of our entire team. Their dedication, responsiveness to queries, and willingness to go the extra mile significantly contributed to our successful result.
Tip: Emphasise the importance of the certification to your team, ensuring everyone understands their role and actively participates in the process.
Looking Ahead
With Cyber Essentials Plus certification now secured, our team at LogicBarn looks forward to a well-deserved holiday break. As we bid farewell to 2023, we anticipate even bigger and better accomplishments in the realm of cybersecurity for 2024.
Stay tuned for updates on our journey, and if you’re considering Cyber Essentials certification for your business, explore the resources below:
- National Cyber Security Centre – Cyber Essentials Overview
- National Cyber Security Centre
- IASME – Get Ready for Cyber Essentials
- Palisade – Cyber Essentials Certification
Here’s to a secure and prosperous 2024!